Goes to a specified word and Segment. Not available because you are not at the Reading Screen. Goes to a specified word and Segment. Repeats the last root, word or link search. Not available because you have not yet searched for anything or you are not at the Reading Screen. Repeats the last root, word or link search. Searches for a word with similar grammar information to the current word. Not available because you are not at the Reading Screen or the current word does not have any grammar links. Searches for a word with similar grammar information to the current word. Searches for the word you enter. Not available because you are not at the Reading Screen. Searches for the word you enter. Searches for a word with the root you enter. Not available because you are not at the Reading Screen. Searches for a word with the root you enter. Find Menu. Use this menu to navigate the Title. Not available because you are not at the Reading Screen. Find Menu. Use this menu to navigate the Title.